One of the most important rooms in a home is the bedroom.  It is the room in which we will rest and restore our bodies, psyches, and souls.  The average person will spend one third or more of their lives in the bedroom sleeping, dreaming, and engaging in intimate moments. That amounts to approximately 122 days a year. When the body is asleep it is many times more sensitive to environmental influences than when it is awake. As a result, our physical as well as our psychological health hinges on the quality of the sleep we experience.  There are many elements that go into making a healthy bedroom environment.  

The modern bedroom should be a healthy retreat where the occupants can let all their defenses down.  It should be comfortable and carefully built, with fewer building products and furnishing made from materials that contain toxic chemicals.  Ideally the bedroom should be a place of restoration, set away from the commotion of our daily lives.  Though other rooms can certainly accommodate physical and emotional closeness, the bedroom is specifically intended for physical regeneration and intimacy.   Materials should be chosen to provide a visual and tactile experience that is soothing and healthful.  In the end, I believe that it is up to the interior designer to do more than the minimum.  It is our responsibility to bring our clients as much information as possible on products that are eco friendly and ultimately healthier.

To learn more about creating a healthy bedroom follow the links below.

    Structural elements including the materials used in its construction

    Placement of the bedroom in the home

    Heating & Air Conditioning


    Painted Surfaces


    The Bed

    Window Treatments and Lighting

    Other Furniture and Plants

Healthy Home Tips

By:  Melissa W. Cooper

Interior and Architectural Design in Connecticut and New York

The Bedroom